What are Video Treatments?

Also known as Virtual Visits or Telehealth, Video Treatments are a lot like FaceTime or Skype, but on a more secure platform.  You and your physiotherapist interact over video in the safety of your own homes.  Your therapist does all parts of a regular treatment that doesn’t involve hands on treatment or dry needling.

What are the Benefits of Video Treatments?

As physiotherapists, our biggest strengths are our knowledge and our observation skills.  Being able to see you in your own setting allows us to evaluate your posture, function, and movement in a natural setting.  We can discuss your concerns, pain, or dysfunction, troubleshoot the issues, and come up with a plan.  We can observe you doing exercise and progress exercises for you.  We are also still able to email you a written version of your exercises.  We can instruct you on how to use your own space and equipment for your treatment, and can get your family members involved when appropriate/possible.

What equipment do I need to do a Video Treatment?

You will need a phone, tablet, or computer with a camera/microphone.  You are linked via email so you will need an email address that you can access from your device.  Make sure you are charged up so that you won’t have to worry about running out of power before your session finishes.

Are there any Advantages of Video Treatments over regular visits?

Actually, there are!

  • Keeps you safe from any disease transmission
  • Allows your therapist to see you in your own environment.  This allows us to be specific with our education and unique-to-you trouble shooting.
  • We can accept patients from outside of Central Alberta.  We are often told:  “I wish you could see my aunt who lives in rural Saskatchewan.” Now, we can!

What about my Insurance Coverage/Extended Health Benefits?

Given the prolonged period of social distancing due to COVID-19, most insurance companies are covering Video Treatments as a normal appointment.  If you are unsure, you can contact your company or contact us and we will look into it.

Any other Tips about Video Treatments?

  • Wear clothing that will allow good visibility of the body part in question
  • Consider your space in terms of noise, light, etc
  • You may want to prop your device or have a family member nearby to assist you with your camera work