Your symptoms may be brand new and benefit from treatment as soon as possible. We will endeavor to get you booked in as quickly as possible. Or, symptoms can be longstanding and you may be in search of a detailed assessment to answer the question of “why” are you having issues.

Once you have a better understanding of the origin of your symptoms, your therapist can guide you on a plan for improvement. Treatment may include:

      • Hands on “manual” techniques
      • Exercises
      • Soft tissue/Muscle release techniques
      • Activity and positioning tips
      • Dry needling/IMS

Swirl So many things can cause a sore neck:

  • A fall or impact
  • A car accident
  • Office work
  • Awkward positions
  • A shoulder injury
  • Heavy lifting
  • Degenerative changes
Neck pain can be challenging to deal with as there can often be headaches, symptoms in the face, and nerve involvement…all of which are really hard to ignore and go about your day. We are here to work with you to stop this pain from negatively impacting your lifestyle.
Physiotherapists in Alberta are primary caregivers in our health care system. You do not need a doctor’s referral.